Website or Blog Maintenance - ASUPROM




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Monday 26 February 2018

Website or Blog Maintenance

What is maintenance mode?
maintenance mode refers to a point in a program's life when it has reached all of its goals and is generally considered to be "complete" and bug-free.

Check this often maintain your health, your car, your lawn, your house, and all so they look good, don't stop functioning or come apart. Your business website needs that maintenance, too. The success of your site depends on the attention it gets.
It’s likely you’ve already come across sites in maintenance mode. You know a site is in maintenance mode because you don’t see anything except a “coming soon” screen or “we’re conducting maintenance at the moment and will be back in a little while.”
Note: Without proper site updates and maintenance, your content gets old, your domain name may expire which means one day suddenly your site is just plain gone! Consider yourself lucky if you catch it in time before someone else snaps up your domain name! Links get broken, images disappear, content gets old, and your rankings fall off the face of the search engines.

Some reason of putting your blog on maintenance mode?

1. Something goes wrong on your site and you want to quickly shield it from the outside world.
2. You have a brand new site and are still getting it up and running. In other words, it’s under construction.
3. You have a demo site where you can experiment and tweak and it’s not intended for the public. You are making a lot of changes to your design, or you’re updating and you don’t want anyone to see the wonkiness while you make the changes (use sparingly so you don’t frustrate your readers with an inaccessible website too often). 

Five Reasons Why Regular Web Maintenance is Important

1.      Keep visitors interested
Be the go-to site for your market or industry. Fresh material added regularly keeps visitors coming back to see what's new. Routinely feature creative new content, text, graphics or images that relate to your field to attract repeat visits.

2.      Add new products, services, solutions or features
Your site is a primary source for information about your products or services. If you have something new to offer and it is not on the site, visitors won't know about it. If what you have on the site is outdated or no longer available, you will frustrate potential customers.

3.      Maintain your Google rankings
Search engines love fresh content. The more often you update your website, the more often the search engines will visit your site and boost your rankings. And the reverse is true as well. After a site has not been updated in a while, the search engines quit crawling it and your rankings may begin to drop for important keywords.
Not only does showing the search engines that your site has fresh content help to boost your rankings, it also gives you more opportunities to rank for specific keywords.
Recently I discovered that Google always visit updated site because they want to present the best quality content to their search engine users

4.      Keep your website working well
When your web site is well maintained, external links continue to work, images load and emails function. This means visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily, and are more likely to become customers.

Keep Your Site Up-To-Date with the Latest Security Patches and Bug Fixes
5.      If you are using a content management system (and you really should be) or any web-based software, then it is vitally important to keep it updated with the latest security patches and bug fixes. You don’t have to be running an e-commerce site for hackers to generate interest in breaking into your website. Often times, hackers will break into a website and upload Trojan and malware for use in their other attack schemes.

6.      One of the primary ways hackers gain access to a site is through outdated software. As security patches become available, hackers will try to take advantage of websites that are not pro-active in updating the software on their sites. The last thing you want is for your visitors to get infected by software downloaded from your site. If Google detects malware on your website, they will likewise delist your site until you get it fixed.

Learn to:-
  1. Make the right impression
  2. Keep your visitors coming back
  3. Boost your search engine traffic
  4. Protect your visitors from the bad guys
  5. Keep up with technology changes

Keep up with changing technology 
Web technology is constantly changing, and some of those changes can benefit your search engine placement and the overall function of your site.

Take a look at your entire web site, not just the opening page and see if there is anything lapses you need to correct. Ok 




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