God Told Me Nigeria Has 3 Years To Get Things Right, If Not He’ll Move The Fire To South Africa - ASUPROM




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Sunday 13 August 2017

God Told Me Nigeria Has 3 Years To Get Things Right, If Not He’ll Move The Fire To South Africa

God Told Me Nigeria Has 3 Years To Get Things Right, If Not He’ll Move The Fire To South Africa

August 13, 2017 – God Has Warned That Nigeria Has 3 Years To Get Things Right, If Not He’ll Move The Fire To South Africa – Prophetess Donna Dandie

Spirit filled Prophetess Dr Donna Dandie has been in Nigeria in the last six months on divine promptings for some strategic assignments.

The co-founder of Reach International in Cayman Islands, a small nation with 60,000 people located South of Cuba, West of Jamaica, and just an hour’s flight from Florida, US, speaks with Sunday Oguntola on why she is here.


How did you hit on idea of coming to Nigeria?

It’s actually my first time in Africa and it is amazing Nigeria is the first country to visit on the continent. November is my birth month and I usually wait upon the Lord in fasting and prayer for the next level. I did the same last year and God said ‘I want you to go to Africa’.

Initially, He didn’t say where in Africa but eventually I understood He wanted me in Africa. But He didn’t say why He wanted me to come over as well despite my constant questioning. So, I accepted His way and I must say coming here is a journey of faith.

This is because the ministry is self-funded. Virtually all my financing goes into the ministry, even back home. So coming here is a big step of faith for me because I didn’t have any sort of money anywhere to even buy a ticket.

10 days before I came, God kept appearing to me physically to talk about the journey to Nigeria. Four days before I came, He confirmed He wanted to send me to the churches and that buckled my mind because I am aware of the demonic influences over here.

In my mind, I saw the churches already dealing with that and I was wondering what I had to offer on that. God didn’t give me a message or anything more. The night that I came here in March, as the plane was descending, the Lord showed me a huge fountain of fire coming out of Nigeria.

And He said to me, “This is what I want to return, restore and renew in Nigeria.” I kept it close to my heart because it was so vivid. If I was an artist, I could draw what I saw. It would affect Nigeria and spread through the entire Africa. I never forgot the vision.

Then, what happened?

So, I came and started ministering in some churches and I was so disturbed by what I found here. Coming from the Western side of the globe, I expected to find fire-packed, Holy Ghost services but I didn’t find that.

I found instead of worship, noise and it disturbed me greatly. And I thought for a moment maybe I missed God. As I began to move around, I found out people were literally chanting during prayers. I would hear ‘fire’, ‘fire’ and ‘blood of Jesus’. It didn’t settle well with me.

Why didn’t it settle well with you?

It didn’t settle well because it would come as people were trying to deal with the issues of life. So, if they were praying for financial deliverance, there would be fire against something. I didn’t see that anywhere in the Bible. I am a kind of person who wants to hear truth that sets people free.

As I began to preach, I would ask if there were people who had been coming to church for the same issue in the last two years without solution. You know what? Over 80 percent of the church would raise up their hands. It started bothering me and I would return home many nights, weeping.

The majority of those individuals are unsaved. They have not heard the truth. They go out and live sinful lives, then return to church to fix their lives. They would be chanting ‘fire;, ‘fire’ and ‘blood of Jesus’.

I began to realise that there is a certain mixture of Christianity and idolatry. That shocked me because I wasn’t expecting that and how to handle it. When that realisation hit, I started having demonic attacks. Then the Lord began to open my eyes to see in the Spirit’s realm than I used to before.

I heard conversations among ministers and realised there is great segregation and lack of trust

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